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Turn Your Facebook Account into an ATM Machine: A Step-by-Step Guide to Earning Money Without Investment

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If you are someone who spends a lot of time on Facebook, scrolling through pages, posts, and videos, have you ever thought of turning your Facebook account into an ATM machine? Yes, you read that right! It is possible to start earning money from Facebook without any investment.

While millions of people are only consuming content on Facebook, a few smart individuals have already figured out a way to earn regular income from the platform. These individuals focus on creating high-quality videos on a particular subject and upload them regularly. They have become financially free by doing so.

As an average user, you might just see the total number of views on a video and leave a comment. But imagine if a video is viewed 5 million times, and you get paid Rs. 1 for each view, how much money can you earn? It's time to take some innovative and creative steps to start earning from your Facebook account. Don't miss the opportunity to earn millions of dollars, while your friends with less knowledge and capability are doing so.

Starting your journey as a Facebook creator may not be a quick and easy way to earn money, but if you are honest, sincere, dedicated, and hardworking, you can start a way to ensure assured money from Facebook. It may take some time, maybe one month, two months, three months, or six months, but once you start earning, it will not stop, and you will get money every month like salaried persons.

So, here's the plan and strategy to start your journey as a Facebook creator:

Step 1: Create a Page from your Facebook Profile

To start your journey as a Facebook creator, the first step is to create a page from your Facebook profile. This will allow you to post and share your content with others.

Step 2: Sign up for Creator Studio Facebook

Next, sign up for the Creator Studio Facebook, which will provide you with tools and insights to create, publish, and analyze your content on Facebook.

Step 3: Create Content or Video for Facebook

Now, it's time to create content or video for Facebook. Here are the steps to create a powerful and meaningful video:

Download free images for Facebook videos from Pixabay or Shutterstock.

Use Google Translate to create content in various regional languages.

Save your PowerPoint presentation as a Windows Media File.

Download royalty-free music from the Facebook Creator page.

Edit and design your video using Openshot free software.

Once you have created your video, upload it to your Facebook page through your Facebook Creator Studio.

How to Earn Money by Playing Games on Your Android Mobile: A Comprehensive Guide

Eligibility for Monetisation

To monetize your Facebook page, you need to meet certain criteria:

Your page must have a minimum of 10,000 followers.

In the last 60 days, your videos must have received at least 30,000 1-minute views on videos that are at least three minutes long.

Partner Monetisation Policies

Your page must comply with Facebook's partner monetization policies. This means that your content must be original, and you should have the right to share it. It should also be shared in an authentic way.

Tips for Success

Here are some tips to succeed as a Facebook creator:

Create the content on a particular topic.

Create regular content.

Create powerful content.

Create attractive content.

Share your content.

Never hurry for money, just become hungry for creative work, and money will come automatically.


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