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Yes Bank Stock Analysis

 Yes Bank has been a subject of considerable interest among investors due to its volatile yet potentially rewarding stock performance. To make an informed investment decision, it’s essential to consider both the technical and fundamental aspects of the stock. In this analysis, I’ll break down the key elements to determine whether you should invest Rs 1 lakh in Yes Bank.

Stock Performance Overview

Yes Bank’s stock has seen substantial ups and downs over recent years. It has provided impressive short-term returns, climbing over 40% in 2024, but it is still significantly below its highs from previous years. Over the past 12 months, the stock’s price has fluctuated between ₹14.10 and ₹32.81, with current prices around ₹24. The stock is approximately 70% up from its 52-week low but about 27% lower than its peak​(

While short-term performance seems promising, the long-term trend tells a different story. Investors who held onto the stock for over five years have faced significant losses, with the stock losing nearly 74% of its value. This dichotomy suggests that Yes Bank may appeal to short-term traders but remains a high-risk investment for long-term holders​(

Technical Analysis

Support and Resistance Levels

Yes Bank’s stock price has shown a consistent pattern of bouncing between support and resistance levels. Current support lies between ₹22-23, with resistance at ₹27-28. A break above the ₹28 mark could lead to a sharp upward trend, potentially driving the stock price to ₹33-35​(

Moving Averages and RSI

Technical indicators such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and moving averages play a crucial role in assessing the stock’s momentum. The RSI for Yes Bank is currently around 45, indicating neither overbought nor oversold conditions. This neutral positioning suggests that the stock may continue to trade sideways in the near term​(

The stock is trading below its 20 and 50-day moving averages, a signal of bearish sentiment. However, it has remained above its 200-day moving average, which indicates a stable long-term trend. This presents a mixed technical outlook where the stock could consolidate in the short term but maintain strength for a long-term uptrend.

Chart Patterns

The formation of a double top — a bearish pattern — is evident on the daily chart. This suggests some downward pressure in the short term. However, the stock has maintained support at ₹23, which indicates that this pattern may not fully play out​(

Fundamental Analysis

Bank’s Profitability and Capital Position

Yes Bank has shown improvements in its asset quality and depositor base, leading to a positive outlook from Moody’s. The global rating agency upgraded Yes Bank’s outlook from ‘stable’ to ‘positive,’ citing expectations of gradual profitability improvement over the next 12-18 months. This improvement is driven by the bank’s efforts to meet central bank regulations more efficiently, lowering operational costs​

That said, Yes Bank’s profitability remains weaker than its peers. The bank faces higher funding costs, which could erode profits in the short term, making it challenging for the bank to outperform larger, more stable competitors like ICICI Bank or HDFC .

Expert Opinions

Many market experts see potential in Yes Bank’s stock but with caveats.

  • Om Mehra from SAMCO Securities suggests holding current positions or buying around the ₹23-24 range, with the potential for upside if the stock breaks ₹25​(

  • Rajesh Palviya from Axis Securities highlights that the stock is consolidating and sustained above its 200-day moving average, which is a positive long-term signal. A breakout above ₹28 could lead to a move toward ₹33-35​(

  • Gaurav Bissa from InCred Equities cautions that while Yes Bank is trading in a range, there’s a strong support at ₹20 and resistance at ₹30. He expects the stock to remain range-bound for the next few months​(


Yes Bank’s historical volatility and higher funding costs present significant risks. Despite improvements in asset quality and profitability, the stock may still face stiff competition and higher costs, limiting its growth. Investors need to consider these risks before making a long-term commitment.

Should You Invest Rs 1 Lakh?

Given the technical and fundamental outlook, investing Rs 1 lakh in Yes Bank is a high-risk, high-reward proposition. The stock offers potential for short-term gains, particularly if it breaks the ₹28 resistance level. However, long-term investors may face more uncertainty due to the bank’s weaker profitability and volatile history.

For risk-tolerant investors, entering at the ₹23-24 level could be an opportunity to gain from the next upward move, with an exit strategy if the stock breaches support at ₹20. For conservative investors, it might be safer to wait for a clear breakout or consider diversifying into more stable banking stocks.


  • Short-term potential: Sideways trading with opportunities for upward momentum if the stock breaks resistance at ₹28.
  • Long-term concerns: Weaker profitability and higher funding costs may limit growth, making Yes Bank riskier than its peers.
  • Risk profile: Suitable for risk-tolerant investors looking for short-term gains or long-term recovery.

Ultimately, investing Rs 1 lakh in Yes Bank should align with your investment goals and risk tolerance. If you’re prepared for volatility and can manage the risks, Yes Bank offers growth potential, but it is by no means a low-risk bet.4o


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